Organic fruit juices (Bulgaria & Romania)
Fruit juice is a beverage made from the extraction or pressing out of the natural liquid contained in fruit and vegetables. Juice is commonly consumed as a beverage or used as an ingredient or flavoring in foods or other beverages, such as smoothies. Juice emerged as a popular beverage choice after the development of pasteurization methods allowed for its preservation without using fermentation (the approach used with wine production).
Organic fruit juices are becoming very well-known in today's modern world as an easy way to immediately increase nutritional uptake, boost immune health and elevate mood. In general terms, if a fresh fruit or vegetable is considered healthy and nutritious, the same applies for its extracted form. Moreover, the advantages of extract juice fruits include the fact that since caned, they preserve their nutrients for a period of almost two years. This comprises a very important aspect as these products are harvested at the peak of their ripeness and extract just a few hours later, preserving in that way their nutrients.
On the contrary, fresh fruits are often collected a long time before their nutrient content reaches the maximum value, while it takes a long time to be sold to the potential consumers. Needless to say, that Fruit juices are available all year round, are microbiologically safe due to sterilization and vacuum packaging as well as due to the absence of any preservatives.
Direct juice is pure juice is not from concentrate, has a 100% fruit content and is obtained by first compressing the fetus. It contains only natural flavors and juiciness of the fruit formed and stored during its maturation. Unfiltered juice contains all or most of the beneficial plant substances and preserve the natural quality.