

Bulgarian National Horticultural Union (BNHU)

Address: 5, Gergina Str.
Town: Sofia, Region Bankya, Bulgaria
Postal Code: 1320
Country: Bulgaria
ΝUTS Code: BG334
Phone:+359 88 8503478
Email: [email protected]
Contact person: Mariana Miltenova
Web address  (URL):

Greek Contracting Authority-Project Partner Union of Hellenic Chambers (UHC)

Address: 6 Akadimias Str.
Town: Athens
Postal Code: 10671
Country: Greece
Phone: +30 210 3387104 (-106)
Fax:  +30 210 3322320
Email: [email protected]
Contact person: Mr Vasileios Apostolopoulos
2nd Contact person: George Asonitis
Web address  (URL):

The Association of Romanian Operators in Organic Agriculture Bio Romania - Project Partner

Romanian Contracting Authority

Address: Splaiul Unirii nr. 162, sector 4
Town: Bucharest
Postal Code: 040042
Country: Romania
ΝUTS Code: RO081
Phone: 004021 319 54 34
Fax: 004021 319 54 34
Email: [email protected]
Contact person: Mr. Avraham Marian Cioceanu
Web address  (URL): 

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